Monday, November 2, 2009


A funny moment from Kimberly

Mom: Kimberly you can not wear this to school it looks terrible
Kimberly: That's not fair! Krystal gets to wear ugly clothes to school all the time!!!!

Kincade's moment

From his all about me book, This summer my dad took me fishing and I caught a cat fish as big as my arm.
He has a good imagination!
He also wrote that we have ten people in our family including the dogs Hidi and Loosey.(exact spelling)

A text conversation between me and Kaitlyn on Halloween

Me: what are you doing?
Kaitlyn: hanging a barn.
Me: don't let it fall on you or you will lose your ruby slippers!
Kaitlyn: Real cute. Thanks alot.

Mom's call at work from Dad

Dad: Um Kaleb stabbed himself in the kitchen
Mom: What were they doing? Having a gang fight?

And the best of all
On the air unaware Kristopher
One day while I was listening to my playlist and Kristopher thought I could not see him dancing in the doorway to the song. Everytime I turned around he would duck out of sight, but as luck would have it my camera was sitting right next to me and I caught this little video.