Monday, November 2, 2009


A funny moment from Kimberly

Mom: Kimberly you can not wear this to school it looks terrible
Kimberly: That's not fair! Krystal gets to wear ugly clothes to school all the time!!!!

Kincade's moment

From his all about me book, This summer my dad took me fishing and I caught a cat fish as big as my arm.
He has a good imagination!
He also wrote that we have ten people in our family including the dogs Hidi and Loosey.(exact spelling)

A text conversation between me and Kaitlyn on Halloween

Me: what are you doing?
Kaitlyn: hanging a barn.
Me: don't let it fall on you or you will lose your ruby slippers!
Kaitlyn: Real cute. Thanks alot.

Mom's call at work from Dad

Dad: Um Kaleb stabbed himself in the kitchen
Mom: What were they doing? Having a gang fight?

And the best of all
On the air unaware Kristopher
One day while I was listening to my playlist and Kristopher thought I could not see him dancing in the doorway to the song. Everytime I turned around he would duck out of sight, but as luck would have it my camera was sitting right next to me and I caught this little video.


Melisa said...

It makes me laugh EVERY SINGLE time!!

Christina said...

That is great I needed a good laugh!

cerrah said...

Heh. Oh, that was AWESOME. I loved this post, it has officially made my day. The Karns anectdotes (that is probably spelled wrong) are so nice to hear.

Is that Kaleb in the chair next to you having a seizure? Kristopher has quite the moves. I have a feeling he's danced to this song before, as he knew exactly when to retreat down the hall to get ready for the big arm swings.

Natalie said...

That is hilarious! You are a stud sister. Does he know you posted this???? I'm still laughing about it. I'm totally going to tease him :) You guys have an awesome family :)

Melisa said...
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Pherf said...

He does now.

Pherf said...

And I've never danced to it before Sarah.