Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Too short, too expensive, ugly, ill fitting, and annoying.
There are no skirts or dresses for me out there.
I am pretty sure that not everyone wants a mini skirt.
Also fat people can be tall too just saying.
Any plus size readers have suggestions? Where do you buy your skirts?
If you have any suggestions please SHARE THE LOVE!!!!!!!!

Seriously I'm desperate!
Love Krystal

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The march post

I needed a post in March. Did you know that if you plug a phone into your land line even if it is a different phone it will still be the same number. You did? Well I do now too. Sometimes I act like i have no brain it's excellent.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Search on

I feel like blogging but I really have nothing exciting to share.
It is a problem.
My life is pretty boring actually, also there are a lot of other more interesting things out there to read. I have been enjoying the blogs of others and felt greedy, I take joy from their musings and yet I have no joy to return.

Once again we are back to the problem, nothing to really talk about. :O
Oh dear.

Here is food for thought, soon I will have reached the ripe old age of nineteen. NINETEEN!!!!!!!!
It seems unbelievable to me, but I have always felt older than I am. Even as a child I would often sit and listen to the adults stories instead of running around. I always would rather listen then talk, write instead of speak, and observe instead of experience. I feel I indeed have an old soul.

Not many people truly know me, and I can't really say I know a lot of people. The saying you have to give to receive applies here. I do not let people in easily and so i can not expect them to do the same for me. I am a social person and like to be around people but I am a listener not a talker. I like to observe and have a pretty good memory for faces and personalities.

I am not exceptionally funny my humor is dry and far between. I dislike the way my laugh sounds and the way my teeth look when I am laughing. Getting older makes you think about the person you are, the person you want to be, and the person other people think you are.

This post feels melancholy.
If you were searching for joy, search on.