Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today while standing in a line at Lowes, I was slightly irritated by the behavior of a fellow customer. I was probably the third person in line and there was probably two more people behind me. The girl at the register was looking a little overwhelmed and had already used the intercom to call another cashier to the front to help. Yes I know long lines are not fun, and yes sometimes you may be in a hurry. But sometimes you need to remember the rules of common courtesy, unfortunately the women behind me did not. We had been waiting for 3-4 minutes tops, and this women got out of line marched up to the poor cashier and demanded that she open another line immediately!!!!!!!!!!

Being a person who works in retail and has been in a situation where despite the fact that someone is being a complete jerk to you, you must apologize for the inconvenience, I felt for the poor girl. The women continued to sigh and glare at the girl until another person showed up to help.

Yes while there are situation where workers are acting lazy and rude, but we must always remember our manners and be as patient as possible. Everyone should have a job in retail at one point in their lives, only then can a person understand the long hours, the aching feet, and the desperate wishes that the problem customer will just leave.
So next time dear impatient Lowes women, please just wait and if you really need to have a sprinkler head by 6 o'clock then come earlier, if you don't, then leave and come back another time when you can be more patient.


Anonymous said...

A Freaking Men. As someone who works in Retail, I agree 100 %!

Laura said...

I am surprised you didn't say something! You know that I would have :c)

Unknown said...

I agree!

cerrah said...

I agree about that everyone should have a turn in retail as well. Especially as the lowely cashier or delivery person or whatever. And then they realize you only have limited control over the situation.

I love your new header photo. Do you remember that I used to call you bright eyes?